6th Grade Enrollment
Enrollment information for the 2024-2025 school.
It's time to register for the 24-25 school year! Online registration must be completed by March 8.
School Day / Course Options
Students will begin their day in U-Time. U-Time is similar to a homeroom. During this time students will work towards building classroom community and social-emotional learning skills.
Core Classes
- Language Arts (reading/writing) or Advanced Language Arts
- Math or Advanced Math
- Geography
- Science
- One elective
Each Student will select one elective to attend for the year.
Elective Options
- Band
- Orchestra
- Choir
- Art
- Exploratory Wheel (PE, Drama, & Introductory to STEM)
Please select a first choice and alternate choice of elective on enrollment form.
Enrollment Guide
It's time to register for the 23-24 school year! Please complete the following steps. Online registration must be completed by March 8.
Step One
Learn more about the Union 6th/7th Grade Center and the enrollment process by visiting the 6th Grade Public Schools website and reviewing the following:
- 6th Grade Welcome Video
- 6th Grade Enrollment Guide Video
- 6th Grade Course Catalog
- 6th Grade Enrollment Flyer. Note this flyer reproduces informational already contained on this page.
- Moving Up Information & Registration (to be posted in spring.)
Step Two
Complete online enrollment form.
- This form will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
- All current Union students should complete enrollment. At this time, we are enrolling all students for in-person learning. Application for virtual enrollment will be shared in May.
Step Three
- Attend Moving Up Parent Orientation April 9 or April 18 in the Union 6th/7th Grade cafeteria. 5:30-6:30 p.m. No registration is required.
- Register your student for Moving Up Student Orientation on July 24. Registration will open in May.
6th Grade At A Glance
- Our student management system will randomly assign students to a team. Team classrooms are located within close proximity (across hallway/next door).
- A staff member will escort students to their elective and lunch.
- All students will be provided a laptop. Students will complete course work on laptops as well as traditional pen/paper.
- All students in grades 6-12 are expected to wear a student ID. Students will use their ID to access their lunch account and check out library books.
- If your student is on an IEP (individual education plan), the IEP will be transferred to our site. Your student will be assigned a caseload manager, which will reach out to you at the beginning of the year.
- Registration for afterschool programming will take place in September. Visit Extended Day Program for information on additional afterschool programming.
Current School Hours
- 9:05 to 9:20 a.m. Drop-Off
- 9:25 a.m. School begins.
- 4:07 p.m. School dismissed.
Upcoming Events
Moving Up for Parents Orientation
- April 9 or April 18, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Parents may choose one of the dates above to visit our building, hear a short presentation, and visit with counselors and/or staff members. No registration is required.
Moving Up for Students
- July 24
This day is a half-day event devoted to introducing students to our building and provide them with an opportunity to participate in team building events. Transportation is provided from each elementary. Students must pre-register to attend. Registration will open in May.
Schedule Pick-Up
- August
During schedule pick-up, students will get their picture taken for ID, receive schedule, bus information, and have the option to walk the building.
We Are Here To Help
Our mission is to serve. If you have questions, please reach out to a counselor or principal at:
Lisa Stuckey, Counselor
Megan Parenteau, Counselor
Kathryn Taylor, Counselor
Tammy Ward, Principal